The cakes....

Wedding cake for you?

Pink or yellow?? These cakes I made were not for sale. In fact, 1 of them is just a dummy! I made these during my wedding cake decorating class. What do u think???? Obviously the chef's cake was soo perfect! Wish mine was too! But I think my cakes turned out to be quite good though..being the first time decorating cakes like that! Anyway, I had a great time..met new 'kakaks' and it was good to learn something new! Thanks to the chef for the many many tipssss.

p/s I took the opportunity to celebrate my anniversary and took pictures with hubby & the cake! :)
If you would like to order any of these...plese let me know ya. thanks!

Yg cantik tu cikgu punya laaa...

Kek anniversary..hehe